I’ve tried to answer the more common questions below, but please do shout if you have any other questions.

Are you qualified?
I am! I qualified back in 2010 and have a Hypnotherapy Practitioners Diploma (HPD) in Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy, and I’m also an NLP Practitioner and Confident Childbirth Practitioner. I’m listed on the Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy Practitioners register here, and also on the National Council for Hypnotherapists here. I’m currently in the process of being registered with the CNCH too, which you will find here. I have regular peer supervision, insurance through Towergate, and regular training and CPD.

What can I expect to happen in sessions?
All sessions are online via Skype, so you can be comfortable and relaxed in your own home, or car, or local park bench. In therapy, your first session will be A LOT of talking, I will ask you a lot of questions to get your brain thinking differently about the issue. All therapy is gentle, and we can stop at any point, you’re never out of control and you’re never left in an emotional state. In coaching, we will be focused, and I will be firm but lovely. If you didn’t need firm, you wouldn’t need coaching. In the courses, you will be emailed your daily task by 9am, and I will need a reply by 8pm that same day for you to get your daily feedback. I sell therapy and coaching in blocks of three, because 3 sessions gives you the majority of what you want. In most cases, you can achieve anything extra by yourself after that, but if you want to have extra sessions, you can.

What guarantees do you offer?
I guarantee that if, after the first therapy session, I don’t think I’m the right person to help you, or you don’t think I can help you the way you want, you don’t pay for that session. I have a good reputation and get the majority of my business through word of mouth, so I wouldn’t want to ruin that. For coaching, personalised mp3s, goal setting plans and online courses, you commit and you achieve. I love that!

What’s the difference between clinical hypnotherapy and Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy?
I was lucky enough to be trained by the founder of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Trevor Silvester, so I feel very privileged to be a cognitive hypnotherapist! The course was 12 months, with a dissertation that was longer than my degree, and we were taught right from the beginning that everything, from the questions asked, course of action taken, words spoken and mp3s recorded are absolutely, 100% individually tailored to the client in front of you.
Clinical hypnotherapy can be ‘learnt’ in a weekend course, and often comes complete with a book of scripts, so for example if you wanted to lose weight, the clinical hypnotherapist would put you into a deep relaxation trance, read script one, and if that didn’t work, you’d come back for script two, then script three, etc. This absolutely works for some people, but if you’re anything like me, if I’m told to do something, my brain rebels and wants me to do the opposite! That’s why Cognitive Hypnotherapy is so great – it’s your brains own words that we’re putting back in, so there’s no rebellion, only cooperation and results! Also, we very rarely do deep trance work – I prefer my clients to be awake and chatty to get good, specific results!